Relieving Tension

Posted by: Rosa

Sep 13, 2013

I wished he was there with me... This summer I spent a week in the Windy City with family. It was too long to be away from his hands so I had to take care of things on my own. We shared naughty messages all day and I was going crazy without any private time to get some relief. I waited until everyone was asleep then snuck off to the bathroom to take care of myself. I love to start things off by playing with my nipples but it didn't take long before my fingers started to wander. Damn that felt so good.

Recent Comments for Relieving Tension (16)
  • Very hot,,,,can u tease us with a big fun toy, Thanks ncdave28570@
  • superb !! i want you ! britho@
  • You are obviously a very sensual person. A little more frontal exposure with the same sensual activity would get my juices really flowing because you have a nice breast and a soft, sensual touch. stanc2@ Similar activity outdoors in a grassy area (no people required) permits with a partner, male or female, would really send me to the moon. If you need any assistance please write.
  • Great body! Good tension reliever ;) Would love to watch her straight on... even better would be to be to use my hands to bring her relief ;) willcoach4u@
  • Great vid Rosa I get the same feeling when away from my lady & we end up face timing each other. Something very erotic & horny about being alone in a place without the one you enjoy !!! TYVM Xx vw6969@
  • Oh it would sure do me good, to do you me help...
  • Guys, Thanks for all the wonderful comments. We read them all and as long as we enjoy making these videos we will continue to share them with you. Rosa loves to be nude outside as much as possible and as we're finding out she seems to have an exhibitionist side as well. We have ideas for some upcoming videos but would love to hear your ideas too especially if they involve being nude outdoors.
  • Anytime you need some help with that !!!! pheil2354@
  • Superb
  • call me next time I can help
  • Loved it!!!!!! And, what a beautiful profile of such perky breasts and ample nipples, not to mention the slat stomach and skillful right hand. Thanks, @
  • Voted superb! Would love to see was very erotic! raceday21@
  • Very sensual. Very sexy !!!
  • I think that watching ants fuck would be a lot more exciting.
  • Great legs very nice body including some very fine titties.

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